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Active Projects (this semester)
See also the participants page.

The following projects are currently being performed.

Prj #StatusSupervisorProject titleAllocation date#Student(s)
1154 Active Taner İnce Portable Oscilloscope 2025 Spring 1 (2nd Edu) Mehmet Tuna Bolukbası

1169 Active Nuran Doğru Function generator 2025 Spring 3 (1st Edu) Muhammet Enes Aslan, Alper Safa CELİK, Soner Guclu

1179 Active Tolgay Kara Wearable technologies for disabled people 2025 Spring 1 (1st Edu) Muhammed Sait Yakut

1188 Active Mahmut Aykaç Realization Low-Frequency RF Energy Harvester 2025 Spring 1 (2nd Edu) Yousef Odah

1193 Active Mete Vural Wearable gas sensor 2025 Spring 1 (1st Edu) Mikail Seker

1199 Active Arif Nacaroğlu Design an realization of the parallel plate system 2025 Spring 4 (1st Edu) Hatice Betül Dogan, Ecenur Oraklı,Bünyamin Polat, Mehmet Fatih Polat

1201 Active Arif Nacaroğlu Design an realization of number location system. 2025 Spring 1 (1st Edu) Bekir Can Cucuk

1205 Active Ergun Erçelebi Development of 5V DC To 80V DC-DC Boost Converter 2025 Spring 1 (1st Edu) Lava Hassan

1206 Active Ergun Erçelebi Development of 5V DC To 80V DC-DC Boost Converter 2025 Spring 1 (2nd Edu) Abdurrahman Hasta

1255 Active Seydi Kaçmaz Infrared Vein Imaging System Using a Smartphone 2025 Spring 3 (1st Edu) Melih Yilmaz, Muhittin Gunes, Furkan Aydemir

1276 Active Sema Kayhan Monitoring System for Car/Bicycles 2025 Spring 3 (1st Edu) Seyma Sibel Camsarı,Burak Dagasan, Sumeyye Sehitoglu

1277 Active Sema Kayhan Monitoring System for Car/Bicycles 2025 Spring 3 (2nd Edu) Efe Demir,Mehmet Alperen Gebel, Emir Berat Yuce

1278 Active Seydi Kaçmaz Smartphone-Based Vehicle Paint Inspection Using UV Light 2025 Spring 4 (1st Edu) Kazım Can Balkan,Tarık Kolutek, Soltan Nazarov, Muhammed Kaya

1285 Active Ergun Erçelebi Remote Speed Control of BLDC DC Motors for Drones 2025 Spring 3 (2nd Edu) Melih Malyemez, Tahsin Demir, Rasim Budak

1287 Active Mete Vural Implementation of PID controller on Arduino for speed control of a DC motor 2025 Spring 3 (2nd Edu) Salim Aydın, Furkan Ozdinc,Miray Colakoglu

1288 Active Mete Vural PWM control of a universal motor 2025 Spring 3 (1st Edu) Muhammed Mustafa Ceylan, Ahmet Piliz, Bünyamin Gürler

1290 Active Mehmet Demir Fingerprint-Recognition Based Smart Locking System 2025 Spring 3 (1st Edu) Ibrahim Aslanpay, Yahya Faruk Kılınç, Ali Aslan

39 students \ 17 projects


1154 Active Taner İnce Portable Oscilloscope 2025 Spring 1 (2nd Edu) Mehmet Tuna Bolukbası

Title: Portable Oscilloscope

Overview of the project

Developing a mini oscilloscope to display electrical signals up to 20 kHz. The system will be battery powered. The design should be small to be portable.

What is the design in this project?

  • Design of a portable oscilloscope

    What realistic constraints is the project outcome expected to satisfy?

  • The dimensions of oscilloscope 20 x 10 centimeters (maximum).

    Under which realistic circumstances is the designed product/system supposed to operate?

  • Frequency range upto 20 Khz.
  • Maximum sampling rate of 50000 samples/sec.

    What are the specific criteria for the success of the project?

  • The design should be portable

    Division of tasks:

  • Specific components/tools:

  • Arduino Nano
  • OLED Display
  • Battery
  • LEDs
  • Resistor
  • Capacitor
  • Transistor

    The project will be kept by the students to do with as they wish.

  • 1169 Active Nuran Doğru Function generator 2025 Spring 3 (1st Edu) Muhammet Enes Aslan, Alper Safa CELİK, Soner Guclu

    Title: Function generator

    Overview of the project

    A function generator will be designed having the following properties

  • Frequency range: 0.2HZ to 2 MHz
  • Output signal: sine, triangular,square, TTL pulse and DC output signal
  • Amplitude: Peak to peak voltage of 10 V

    What is the design in this project?

  • A function generator will be designed to produce sine, triangular, square, TTL pulse and DC output signal.

    What realistic constraints is the project outcome expected to satisfy?

  • Operating at room temperature
  • Having frequency range of 0.2Hz to 2 MHz
  • Having peak to peak voltage of 10 V for output signal

    Under which realistic circumstances is the designed product/system supposed to operate?

  • At room temperature

    What are the specific criteria for the success of the project?

  • Having frequency range of 0.2Hz to 2 MHz
  • Having peak to peak voltage of 10 V for output signal

    Division of tasks [for group projects]

  • Specific components/tools
  • The project will be kept by the students to do with as they wish.

  • 1179 Active Tolgay Kara Wearable technologies for disabled people 2025 Spring 1 (1st Edu) Muhammed Sait Yakut

    Title: Wearable technologies for disabled people

    Overview of the project

    The project involves designing a wearable technological device with the specific aim of helping people with disabilities. The student is free to decide the type of disability and design the wearable device as they prefer, but improvement in daily lives of disabled people should be clearly justified.

    What is the design in this project?

  • Wearable technology design is required in the project.

    What realistic constraints is the project outcome expected to satisfy?

  • The device should operate for one full day without recharging or replacing batteries.
  • The device should not be heavier than a standard smart phone.
  • The device should not cost more than a standard smart phone.

    Under which realistic circumstances is the designed product/system supposed to operate?

  • Although this depends on the specific type of sportive activity, the device is supposed to be healthy to wear, shockproof and waterproof.

    What are the specific criteria for the success of the project?

  • The criteria will vary depending on the specific design, so they will be determined by the student after preliminary research.

    Division of tasks:

  • Specific components/tools:

  • The completed project will be kept by the students to do with as they wish.

  • 1188 Active Mahmut Aykaç Realization Low-Frequency RF Energy Harvester 2025 Spring 1 (2nd Edu) Yousef Odah

    Title: Realization Low-Frequency RF Energy Harvester

    Overview of the project

    The student is supposed to be design and realize a low frequency RF energy harvester circuit. The circuit must operate with frequencies in kHz range

    What is the design in this project?

  • The entire circuit is the key design of the project

    What realistic constraints is the project outcome expected to satisfy?

  • The ultimate circuit must be able to harvest RF energy from kHz range radio signals

    Under which realistic circumstances is the designed product/system supposed to operate?

  • It can operate indoor and/or outdoor
  • It must be endurant against interference and noise

    What are the specific criteria for the success of the project?

  • If the realized circuit can harvest energy from a dedicated RF signal source in kHz range even with a low efficiency, project can be regarded as successful

    Division of tasks:

  • Specific components/tools:

  • Proper antenna(s)
  • Proper Schotty Diodes
  • Various capacitors, inductors and resistors

    The completed project will be kept by the students to do with as they wish.

  • 1193 Active Mete Vural Wearable gas sensor 2025 Spring 1 (1st Edu) Mikail Seker

    Title: Wearable gas sensor

    Overview of the project

    In this project, a wearable gas sensor for industrial harsh conditions will be developed. The system will consist of a vest, a gas sensor, a suitable Arduino board, and additional components. The function of this vest will be as follows: The system should be able to continuously check the following gas densities (minimum 2 gas types are required). The ppm level of the gas can be shown on an LCD display. If the ppm level of the gas becomes greater than the predefined threshold level, the system will alert the user. This system will be connected to a mobile phone by Bluetooth. The system should be able to continuously measure the environment temperature and humidity. Other details can be discussed with the supervisor.

    For this project, the ppm level of minimum 2 gas types from the following list should be continuously monitored:

  • Carbon monoxide CO 1 - 1000ppm
  • Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.05 - 10ppm
  • Ethanol C2H5OH 10 - 500ppm
  • Hydrogen H2 1 - 1000ppm
  • Ammonia NH3 1 - 500ppm
  • Metan CH4>1000ppm
  • Propan C3H8>1000ppm
  • İzobütan C4H10>1000ppm

    What is the design in this project?

  • The design in this project is a wearable gas sensor.

    What realistic constraints is the project outcome expected to satisfy?

  • The ppm levels of minimum 2-gas types of should be monitored.
  • The system should continuously monitor the temperature and humidity of the environment.

    Under which realistic circumstances is the designed product/system supposed to operate?

  • The robot should be operated under room temperature conditions.

    What are the specific criteria for the success of the project?

  • The ppm levels of minimum 2-gas types of should be monitored.
  • The system should continuously monitor the temperature and humidity of the environment.

    Division of tasks:

  • Specific components/tools:

  • A suitable Arduino board
  • MICS-6814 gas sensor 
  • Battery
  • A compatible temperature and humidity sensor
  • A compatible Bluetooth module
  • A mobile phone or tablet supports Bluetooth connection
  • Other related hardware/components

    The project will be kept by the students to do with as they wish.

  • 1199 Active Arif Nacaroğlu Design an realization of the parallel plate system 2025 Spring 4 (1st Edu) Hatice Betül Dogan, Ecenur Oraklı,Bünyamin Polat, Mehmet Fatih Polat

    Title: Design an realization of the parallel plate system

    Overview of the project

    In this Project the system will be designed to keep the plate paralel to ground to hold the free moving sphere on it. The plate located on to the controllable system will move in required direction to keep the Rolling sphere at the center.

    What is the design in this project?

  • Control mechanism both software and hardware will be originally designed according to the chosen method. To follow the motion of the sphere and to transfer that information to mechanic structure are main parts of the system.

    What realistic constraints is the project outcome expected to satisfy?

  • The dimension of the plate will be 30x30 cm. The plate may be centers or may be holded on some edges or corners. 2 dimensional motion of the plate must be satisfied by servo motors.

    Under which realistic circumstances is the designed product/system supposed to operate?

  • The free moving sphere must be kept on plate at least 10 sec.

    What are the specific criteria for the success of the project?

  • Both software and hardware must be realized.

    Division of Tasks:

  • All students will be responsible from all part of the system. Students may focus their power on some part of the Project.

    Specific components/tools

  • The completed project will be kept by the students to do with as they wish or donated to the department for display or lab.

  • 1201 Active Arif Nacaroğlu Design an realization of number location system. 2025 Spring 1 (1st Edu) Bekir Can Cucuk

    Title: Design an realization of number location system.

    Overview of the project

    In this Project the system will be designed to locate the numbers from 1 to 10 by using some carrirying mechanism.

    What is the design in this project?

  • The system to recognize the number using image processing will be prepared and a mechanism will hold the number and will locate it on to specific position on some base.

    What realistic constraints is the project outcome expected to satisfy?

  • The dimension of the plate will be 30x30 cm. There will be signs from 1 to 10 on the plate and an arm will hold and carry the number to that position.

    Under which realistic circumstances is the designed product/system supposed to operate?

  • The numbers will g oto the correct position.

    What are the specific criteria for the success of the project?

  • Both software and hardware must be realized.

    Division of Tasks:

  • Specific components/tools

  • The completed project will be kept by the students to do with as they wish or donated to the department for display or lab.

  • 1205 Active Ergun Erçelebi Development of 5V DC To 80V DC-DC Boost Converter 2025 Spring 1 (1st Edu) Lava Hassan

    Title: Development of 5V DC To 80V DC-DC Boost Converter

    Overview of the project

    In the project, the input voltage varies between 5V-10V volts. Output voltage will be 80V DC. Student needs to design embedded software, embedded hardware and power electronics circuitry to develop this converter.

    What is the design in this project?

  • embedded hardware
  • embedded software
  • power electronic circuits

    What realistic constraints is the project outcome expected to satisfy?

  • image transmission distance 3KM
  • Measuring Method Oscillometric
  • Brushless motor

    Under which realistic circumstances is the designed product/system supposed to operate?

  • Control Type Remote Control
  • Power Battery

    What are the specific criteria for the success of the project?

  • Maximum Flight Time 35 Minutes

    Division of tasks:

  • Specific components/tools:

  • The completed project will be kept by the students to do with as they wish or donated to the department for display or lab.

  • 1206 Active Ergun Erçelebi Development of 5V DC To 80V DC-DC Boost Converter 2025 Spring 1 (2nd Edu) Abdurrahman Hasta

    Title: Development of 5V DC To 80V DC-DC Boost Converter

    Overview of the project

    In the project, the input voltage varies between 5V-10V volts. Output voltage will be 80V DC. Student needs to design embedded software, embedded hardware and power electronics circuitry to develop this converter.

    What is the design in this project?

  • embedded hardware
  • embedded software
  • power electronic circuits

    What realistic constraints is the project outcome expected to satisfy?

  • image transmission distance 3KM
  • Measuring Method Oscillometric
  • Brushless motor

    Under which realistic circumstances is the designed product/system supposed to operate?

  • Control Type Remote Control
  • Power Battery

    What are the specific criteria for the success of the project?

  • Maximum Flight Time 35 Minutes

    Division of tasks:

  • Specific components/tools:

  • The completed project will be kept by the students to do with as they wish or donated to the department for display or lab.

  • 1255 Active Seydi Kaçmaz Infrared Vein Imaging System Using a Smartphone 2025 Spring 3 (1st Edu) Melih Yilmaz, Muhittin Gunes, Furkan Aydemir

    Title: Infrared Vein Imaging System Using a Smartphone

    Overview of the project

    This project aims to develop an infrared vein imaging system that can be attached to a smartphone. The system uses infrared light to visualize superficial veins beneath the skin by integrating with the smartphone camera. This technology can aid in easier and more accurate vein detection for intravenous injections and other procedures. The project includes the design of the device hardware, software integration, and user experience.

    What is the design in this project?

  • The design involves an infrared light source and camera adapter that can be attached to a smartphone. The infrared light highlights veins beneath the skin, and the smartphone camera captures this image. The software processes the images to make the veins more visible. The design also includes user interface considerations and the portability of the device.

    What realistic constraints is the project outcome expected to satisfy?

  • Image Quality: The veins must be clearly and accurately visualized.
  • Portability: The device should be lightweight and easy to use.
  • Compatibility: The device must be compatible with various smartphone models.
  • Cost: The project should use cost-effective components.
  • Energy Efficiency: The device should have low power consumption to ensure long usage periods.

    Under which realistic circumstances is the designed product/system supposed to operate?

  • Clinical Settings: The device will be used in hospitals and clinics for medical procedures.
  • Home Use: It may be used in home care settings to facilitate vein detection.
  • Different Skin Types: It should work effectively across various skin tones and thicknesses.
  • Variable Lighting Conditions: It should function well under different ambient lighting conditions.

    What are the specific criteria for the success of the project?

  • Image Accuracy: Accurate and clear visualization of veins.
  • User Experience: A user-friendly and ergonomic design.
  • Application Performance: Effective functioning of the infrared light source and camera adapter.
  • Portability: The device should be practical and easy to carry.
  • Cost Effectiveness: The project should be completed within budget constraints.

    Division of Tasks:

  • Hardware Design: Designing the infrared light source and adapter, material selection, and assembly.
  • Software Development: Developing image processing software and user interface design.
  • Testing and Evaluation: Testing the device's performance under various conditions.
  • Project Management: Planning the project, managing timelines, and coordinating team efforts.

    Specific components/tools

  • Infrared LED Light Source
  • Smartphone Adapter
  • Camera Lenses or Filters
  • Software Development Tools (e.g., mobile application development software)
  • Testing Equipment (e.g., tools for testing on different skin types and veins)

    The completed project will be kept by the supervisor for further use..

  • 1276 Active Sema Kayhan Monitoring System for Car/Bicycles 2025 Spring 3 (1st Edu) Seyma Sibel Camsarı,Burak Dagasan, Sumeyye Sehitoglu

    Title: Monitoring System for Car/Bicycles

    Overview of the project

    Car monitoring systems are becoming increasingly common in newer cars today. However, the majority of cars on the road are older models that lack these advanced safety features. Additionally, vehicles parked in high-risk or unfamiliar areas are often vulnerable to potential theft or vandalism.The purpose of this project is to build a comprehensive car monitoring system that can be easily installed into any older car, providing drivers with improved safety and security both while driving and when their vehicle is parked.

    What is the design in this project?

    Car(you can use bike also) monitoring systems including a blindspot detection and monitoring system equipped with sensors will be designed.

    What realistic constraints is the project outcome expected to satisfy?

  • Blind Spot Detection and Alerting
  • Away From Car/Bike (AFB) Monitoring
  • Alerting System and Mobile App

    Under which realistic circumstances is the designed product/system supposed to operate?

  • The system shall accurately detect obstacles or vehicles in the cyclist's blind spot within a 3-meter radius and provide real-time visual (LED) and audible alerts within 1 second of detection.
  • The system shall monitor motion around the parked car/bicycle sending an alert to the mobile application within 3 seconds.
  • The mobile application shall display riding analytics and provide an intuitive interface for managing system features, if any motion is detected.

    What are the specific criteria for the success of the project?

  • The system accurately detects vehicles in blindspots and motion around the car with at least 90% accuracy and minimal false alarms.
  • Alerts (LED, sound, or mobile app notifications) are activated within 1 second of detecting a vehicle

    Specific components/tools

  • Microcontroller
  • Sensors; i.e. array of ultrasonic sensors
  • Mobile Application
  • Alerting System
  • Power System

    The completed project will be kept by the students to do with as they wish.

  • 1277 Active Sema Kayhan Monitoring System for Car/Bicycles 2025 Spring 3 (2nd Edu) Efe Demir,Mehmet Alperen Gebel, Emir Berat Yuce

    Title: Monitoring System for Car/Bicycles

    Overview of the project

    Car monitoring systems are becoming increasingly common in newer cars today. However, the majority of cars on the road are older models that lack these advanced safety features. Additionally, vehicles parked in high-risk or unfamiliar areas are often vulnerable to potential theft or vandalism.The purpose of this project is to build a comprehensive car monitoring system that can be easily installed into any older car, providing drivers with improved safety and security both while driving and when their vehicle is parked.

    What is the design in this project?

    Car(you can use bike also) monitoring systems including a blindspot detection and monitoring system equipped with sensors will be designed.

    What realistic constraints is the project outcome expected to satisfy?

  • Blind Spot Detection and Alerting
  • Away From Car/Bike (AFB) Monitoring
  • Alerting System and Mobile App

    Under which realistic circumstances is the designed product/system supposed to operate?

  • The system shall accurately detect obstacles or vehicles in the cyclist's blind spot within a 3-meter radius and provide real-time visual (LED) and audible alerts within 1 second of detection.
  • The system shall monitor motion around the parked car/bicycle sending an alert to the mobile application within 3 seconds.
  • The mobile application shall display riding analytics and provide an intuitive interface for managing system features, if any motion is detected.

    What are the specific criteria for the success of the project?

  • The system accurately detects vehicles in blindspots and motion around the car with at least 90% accuracy and minimal false alarms.
  • Alerts (LED, sound, or mobile app notifications) are activated within 1 second of detecting a vehicle

    Specific components/tools

  • Microcontroller
  • Sensors; i.e. array of ultrasonic sensors
  • Mobile Application
  • Alerting System
  • Power System

    The completed project will be kept by the students to do with as they wish.

  • 1278 Active Seydi Kaçmaz Smartphone-Based Vehicle Paint Inspection Using UV Light 2025 Spring 4 (1st Edu) Kazım Can Balkan,Tarık Kolutek, Soltan Nazarov, Muhammed Kaya

    Title: Smartphone-Based Vehicle Paint Inspection Using UV Light

    Overview of the project

    This project aims to develop a smartphone-based system for detecting inconsistencies in vehicle paint using ultraviolet (UV) light. The system will help identify repainting, scratches, and underlying surface defects by analyzing fluorescence properties under UV illumination. The solution will include a smartphone-compatible UV light source and a mobile application for image processing and defect detection. The project will focus on developing an affordable, portable, and user-friendly inspection tool for vehicle owners, automotive professionals, and insurance assessors.

    What is the design in this project?

    The design consists of:

  • A UV light attachment compatible with smartphone cameras.
  • A mobile application that captures and processes UV-exposed images to highlight paint inconsistencies.
  • A user-friendly interface for image enhancement and defect classification.
  • A comparative analysis feature to differentiate between original and repainted sections.

    What realistic constraints is the project outcome expected to satisfy?

  • Cost-effectiveness: The system should be affordable for general consumers.
  • Portability: The design should be compact and easy to attach to a smartphone.
  • Usability: The application should be intuitive, requiring minimal user expertise.
  • Accuracy: The detection algorithm should provide reliable results.
  • Battery Efficiency: The UV light should consume minimal power for prolonged usage.
  • Safety: The UV exposure levels should be within safe limits for human use.

    Under which realistic circumstances is the designed product/system supposed to operate?

  • Automobile workshops for verifying original paint.
  • Used car dealerships for assessing paint repairs.
  • Insurance assessments to detect accidental repairs.
  • Individual vehicle owners for self-inspection.
  • Low-light conditions, as UV light works best in dim environments.

    What are the specific criteria for the success of the project?

    Successful attachment of the UV light module to a smartphone. Development of an application capable of detecting paint inconsistencies. Achieving a minimum detection accuracy of 80% in test conditions. Real-time image processing without significant lag. Positive feedback from test users regarding ease of use and effectiveness.

    Division of Tasks:

  • Hardware Development: Designing and testing the UV light module.
  • Software Development: Building and optimizing the mobile application.
  • Image Processing: Implementing algorithms for paint defect detection.
  • Testing & Validation: Conducting real-world tests on various vehicle surfaces.
  • Documentation & Reporting: Preparing reports and presentations.

    Specific components/tools

  • Smartphone with high-resolution camera
  • UV LED module (365-395 nm wavelength)
  • 3D-printed or pre-fabricated attachment clip
  • Mobile application (Android/iOS) for image processing
  • Image processing libraries (OpenCV, TensorFlow, etc.)

    The completed project will be kept by the students to do with as they wish.

  • 1285 Active Ergun Erçelebi Remote Speed Control of BLDC DC Motors for Drones 2025 Spring 3 (2nd Edu) Melih Malyemez, Tahsin Demir, Rasim Budak

    Title: Remote Speed Control of BLDC DC Motors for Drones

    Overview of the project

    In this project, a remotely controllable driver circuit will be designed to drive brushless DC (BLDC) motors used in drones. The remote control distance is planned to be more than 100 meters. For this reason, user preferences will be transmitted to the microcontroller via a control console operating with an RF signal. The microcontroller will generate the pulse width modulation (PWM) waveform required to drive the BLDC motor at the desired speed. The details of the project will be shared at a meeting to be held.

    What is the design in this project?

  • Hardware design
  • Software design

    What realistic constraints is the project outcome expected to satisfy?

  • Real-Time Responsiveness: The control system should have low latency for real-time speed adjustments. Wireless communication must ensure minimal delay to avoid instability in flight.
  • Weight and Size Constraints: The motor controller and remote system should be lightweight to avoid reducing drone performance. The system should be compact enough to fit within standard drone architectures.
  • Wireless Communication Reliability: The remote control system must function without interference from other radio signals (e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or RF communication). The system should have a stable signal range suitable for drone operation.

    Under which realistic circumstances is the designed product/system supposed to operate?

  • Outdoor and Indoor Environments:The system should work indoors for small drones used in research, surveillance, or entertainment.
  • Variable Load Conditions: The system should adapt to different payloads (cameras, sensors, delivery packages).
  • Wireless Communication with Low Latency:The system should support real-time remote operation using RF.
  • High-Speed and High-Precision Operations:The system should allow for smooth speed transitions for drone maneuverability. It must provide accurate speed and direction control to ensure stable flight dynamics.

    What are the specific criteria for the success of the project?

    The project outcome will be considered successful if it operates within the constraints specified in the constraints section.

    The completed project will be kept by the students to do with as they wish or donated to the department for display or lab.

  • 1287 Active Mete Vural Implementation of PID controller on Arduino for speed control of a DC motor 2025 Spring 3 (2nd Edu) Salim Aydın, Furkan Ozdinc,Miray Colakoglu

    Title: Implementation of PID controller on Arduino for speed control of a DC motor

    Overview of the project

    The Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller is a widely used control loop feedback mechanism in industrial control systems, offering robustness and accuracy in maintaining desired system behavior. This project focuses on designing and implementing a PID controller on an Arduino microcontroller to achieve precise speed control of a DC motor.

    In this project, the Arduino board will be programmed to serve as the controller, utilizing the PID algorithm to adjust the motor's speed based on real-time feedback. The setup includes an encoder to measure the motor's speed and provide feedback to the controller. An LCD or similar one can be used to display the motor speed. By tuning the PID parameters (proportional, integral, and derivative gains), the system can minimize speed fluctuations and ensure stable operation.

    What is the design in this project?

    The design in this project is an Arduino based PID speed controller for a DC motor.

    What realistic constraints is the project outcome expected to satisfy?

  • The settling time of the controller should be maximum 1.0 second.
  • The steady-state error of the controller should be maximum 5%.

    Under which realistic circumstances is the designed product/system supposed to operate?

  • The control system should operate under room temperature conditions.

    What are the specific criteria for the success of the project?

  • The settling time of the controller should be maximum 1.0 second.
  • The steady-state error of the controller should be maximum 5%.
  • The motor speed should be shown on an LCD (or a similar one) display.

    Division of Tasks:

  • Student-1 will derive the linear model of the DC motor.
  • Student-2 will design the PID controller based on the derived motor model in Matlab
  • Student-3 will design the hardware part of the project.

    The completed project will be kept by the students to do with as they wish.

  • 1288 Active Mete Vural PWM control of a universal motor 2025 Spring 3 (1st Edu) Muhammed Mustafa Ceylan, Ahmet Piliz, Bünyamin Gürler

    Title: PWM control of a universal motor

    Overview of the project

    This project aims to implement Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) control to regulate the speed of a universal motor. Universal motors are versatile and can operate on either AC or DC power, making them ideal for various applications, including household appliances and power tools. However, precise speed control is essential for optimal performance and efficiency.

    In this project, an Arduino microcontroller will be used to generate PWM signals to control the universal motor's speed. The PWM technique involves varying the duty cycle of the signal to adjust the average voltage supplied to the motor, effectively controlling its speed. By fine-tuning the PWM parameters, the project will demonstrate the ability to achieve smooth and responsive speed control.

    The setup will include a feedback mechanism, such as an optical encoder or a tachometer, to monitor the motor's speed and adjust the PWM signal accordingly. This closed-loop control system will ensure accurate and stable operation.

    What is the design in this project?

    The design in this project is an Arduino based PWM control scheme for a universal motor.

    What realistic constraints is the project outcome expected to satisfy?

  • The settling time of the controller should be maximum 1.0 second.
  • The steady-state error of the controller should be maximum 5%.

    Under which realistic circumstances is the designed product/system supposed to operate?

    The control system should operate under room temperature conditions.

    What are the specific criteria for the success of the project?

  • The settling time of the controller should be maximum 1.0 second.
  • The steady-state error of the controller should be maximum 5%.
  • The motor speed should be shown on an LCD (or a similar one) display.

    Division of Tasks:

  • Student-1 will derive the linear model of the universal motor.
  • Student-2 will design the PWM controller scheme based on the derived motor model in Matlab
  • Student-3 will design the hardware part of the project.

    The completed project will be kept by the students to do with as they wish.

  • 1290 Active Mehmet Demir Fingerprint-Recognition Based Smart Locking System 2025 Spring 3 (1st Edu) Ibrahim Aslanpay, Yahya Faruk Kılınç, Ali Aslan

    Title: Fingerprint-Recognition Based Smart Locking System

    Overview of the project

    1. Developing a high-security access control system using fingerprint recognition technology.

  • The system will use a fingerprint sensor to authenticate users and grant access.

    2. Eliminating the need for users to carry physical keys or remember passwords.

  • The system will replace traditional keys and passwords with biometric authentication.

    3. Providing an easy-to-use, fast, and reliable authentication system.

  • The system will be user-friendly, with quick response times and high accuracy.

    What is the design in this project?

    The design of the project includes the following components and workflow:

    1. Hardware Design:

  • Fingerprint Sensor: Captures and processes fingerprint data.
  • Microcontroller: Processes the data and controls the locking mechanism.
  • Actuator: A servo motor or solenoid to physically lock/unlock the system.
  • Power Supply: Provides energy to the system (battery or adapter).
  • User Interface: LED indicators or an LCD screen to display system status (e.g., "Access Granted" or "Access Denied").

    2. Software Design:

  • Fingerprint Enrollment: Allows new users to register their fingerprints.
  • Fingerprint Matching: Compares scanned fingerprints with stored templates.
  • Access Control Logic: Grants or denies access based on the match result.
  • Error Handling: Manages cases like poor fingerprint quality or unauthorized access attempts.

    3. System Workflow:

  • User places their finger on the sensor.
  • Sensor captures the fingerprint and sends it to the microcontroller.
  • Microcontroller compares the fingerprint with stored templates.
  • If a match is found, the actuator unlocks the system; otherwise, access is denied.

    What realistic constraints is the project outcome expected to satisfy?

  • Cost: The system should be affordable and use cost-effective components.
  • Accuracy: The fingerprint recognition system must have a low false acceptance rate (FAR) and false rejection rate (FRR).
  • Durability: The system should be robust and able to withstand regular use.
  • Power Consumption: The system should be energy-efficient, especially if battery-powered.
  • Response Time: The system should authenticate users within a few seconds.
  • Security: The system must protect stored fingerprint data from unauthorized access.

    Under which realistic circumstances is the designed product/system supposed to operate?

    1. Environmental Conditions:

  • The system should operate reliably in typical indoor environments (e.g., homes, offices).
  • It should be resistant to minor environmental factors like dust or humidity.

    2. User Interaction:

  • The system should be intuitive and require minimal training for users.

    3. Maintenance:

  • The system should require minimal maintenance (e.g., occasional cleaning of the sensor).

    What are the specific criteria for the success of the project?

    1. Functional Prototype:

  • A working prototype that can enroll fingerprints and control a locking mechanism.

    2. Accuracy:

  • At least 95% accuracy in fingerprint recognition.

    3. Response Time:

  • Authentication completed within 2-3 seconds.

    4. User Satisfaction:

  • Positive feedback from test users regarding ease of use and reliability.

    5. Documentation:

  • Clear documentation of the design, code, and user instructions.

    Division of Tasks:

    Student 1:

  • Research and select components (fingerprint sensor, microcontroller, etc.).
  • Design and assemble the hardware circuit.

    Student 2:

  • Develop the software for fingerprint enrollment and matching.
  • Integrate the software with the hardware.

    Student 3:

  • Test the system for accuracy, response time, and reliability.
  • Prepare documentation and user instructions.

    Specific components/tools

    1. Hardware:

  • Fingerprint Sensor Module (e.g., R307, FPC1020).
  • Microcontroller (e.g., Arduino Uno, ESP32).
  • Actuator (e.g., Servo Motor, Solenoid Lock).
  • Power Supply (e.g., 9V Battery, 5V Adapter).
  • LED Indicators or LCD Display.

    2. Software:

  • Arduino IDE or PlatformIO for programming.
  • Fingerprint Sensor Library (e.g., Adafruit Fingerprint Library).

    3. Tools:

  • Soldering Kit, Breadboard, Jumper Wires.
  • Multimeter for testing.

    The completed project will be kept by the students to do with as they wish.

  • 39 students \ 17 projects