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  - Mid-Term Presentation
  - Written Reports
  - Final Presentation
  - Presentation Guide
  - Poster Session

Presentation Guide

The mid-term and final presentations represent a total of 35% of the overall project evaluation.

In both the mid-term and final presentations each student is given 5 minutes to present their project (make sure you do not go over this time limit). At the end of each group presentation there will be time for questions and answers (please make sure you understand everything that you have presented). You must not demonstrate your physical apparatus during the presentations (you will be expect to do this during the poster session.

Below are some guides to help the student perform well in the presentations.

  1. Prepare well in advance of the presentation day, and make sure everything is ready and working on the day. I suggest that you arrange within your presentation session the use of a single laptop upon which you all load your presentations.
  2. Prepare your presentation using Powerpoint or Impress or similar, make your presentation clear, it helps to use colors.
  3. Make sure you have a backup of your presentation on the Internet and/or flash.
  4. Clearly present an outline of the project subject and its goals.
  5. Clearly present the basic concepts and methods used in the project.
  6. Understand your subject well - don't rely on memory or reading from a script.
  7. Make sure you can deliver your presentation in the given time, and make use of the time effectively.
  8. Be ready for questions, this is an important part of the presentation. Try to anticipate questions and have backup slides ready to help you answer them.
  9. (final) You will be also evaluated on how successful the project was, so make sure the goals of the project were met and make this clear in your presentation.
  10. If you worked as part of a group then each group member will present their own part of the whole project. One or more of the group members should also present the project outline, goals, etc. You will also be assessed on how well the group worked together - that's something you need to plan from the beginning of the project!
  11. (mid-term) Take careful note of any feedback you get from the audience.
  12. (final) Enjoy the presentation! you have worked very hard on this all semester, here is your opportunity to tell people about it :)
Last modified: Wed, 02 May 2012 13:42:17 +0300