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  - Mid-Term Presentation
  - Written Reports
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Written Reports

(30% of the overall project evaluation)

The written report is a detailed account of the studies performed and results of the project.

There are many rules and procedures to follow regarding the project report. The intention here is to make sure you take the opportunity to learn how to prepare good quality reports under the limitations of deadlines. Please ask your supervisor for help and advice.

There are four key dates when you need to give electronic versions, and lastly two hard copies, of your report to the department; the exact dates (deadlines) are given in the course schedule:

  1. A draft of your report should be given(emailed) to your supervisor in the form of MS Word files (see below for templates) at least one week before the final deadline. Your supervisor will give you corrections and/or work on the report with you.
  2. Before the final deadline, a corrected or final version should be given to your supervisor in the form of MS Word files and pdf format so that she can check your corrections and approve the final version of the report. There maybe some iterations here as corrected reports are given corrections.
  3. By the final deadline, the final version of your report should be given(emailed) to the GPC in pdf format. This final version will be placed on the course website for the assessors to access well before the final presentation. Make sure you don't miss the deadline!
  4. Finally, by the last day of the EEE499 schedule you need to give two hard copies of your written report (signed by your supervsior) to the department. If you can't find a GPC member then hand the report to the secretary before 5 pm.
  • Department staff are advised not to accept the reports on a USB flash. The documents can be instead emailed to the supervisor or downloaded from the Internet (find your self free cloud storage!).
  • You need to convert your MS word document to PDF. If your version of Office does not "save as PDF" then you should be able to find a plugin, for example here.
  • Only give your supervisor a printed hard copy if she requests it.
  • Late reports will have 5 points deducted for each day late, i.e. the score out of 30 given by the assessors will be scaled by 25/30 if submitted one day late, 20/30 if submitted two days late, 15/30 three days late and so on.
  • Final versions of reports received the GPC are assumed to be approved by the supervisor. If it turns out that the report was not approved then you may loose significant points (the report will be treated as late until the date the approval is obtained).
  • Your written report must not contain large sections of copy/paste from the Internet or other resource. You are expected to write the report in your own words - a report that appears to be copied may be rejected by your supervisor, assessors, or GPC. See Plagiarism for the reasoning behind this rule. Please consider writing your project report as an opportunity to develop your report writing skills; your supervisor is available to help and advise you during this process. Give your self plenty of time (a few weeks) to write your report.
  • In group projects, the project report is a group effort that yields a single document. It is the responsibility of every member of the group to ensure that this group effort is successful and the report is submitted by the dead line. While there will naturally be parts of the report that are common to all, specific work done by each student must be prepared in separate sections and clearly indicated with the name of the student.

Report templates
Updated: 04/02/2013

The following documents are available as templates for the project report. These are intended both to make the report writing easier and to ensure a proper format.

Please make sure that your report closely follows the formatting and contents of these templates.

  1. eee499-written-report-template-readme.txt - Notes about the templates.
  2. eee499-written-report-template-head.doc - Title and head pages.
  3. eee499-written-report-template-body.doc - Main sections, References, Appendices
  4. eee499-written-report-template-plan.xls - Excel file for the project plan (Gantt chart)
  5. eee499-written-report-checklist.pdf - Project report checklist
Students are welcome to contact the GPC for any query regarding the project report.

Last modified: Mon, 03 Oct 2022 23:52:04 +0300